Tuesday, August 18, 2020

All (Quite) Quiet on the August Front

August is a very quiet month for birds - and, for me, this August has been even quieter as I haven't really been out and about.  So I thought I would trawl my archives and see  what this month has brought in the past.  Well, 2019 - nothing.  Not one photograph.

I've gone back to 2018 and a trip to Washington WWT.  There were some good waders on show (so that's two wader blogs in a row...)

A smart Redshank...


A bit further away - and so not such a clear photograph - a much rarer Green Sandpiper...

On the same main pool, but from a different hide, a Snipe was very confiding...

I remember that I did a complete lap of the site.  At the pools which are designed to attract dragonflies I spotted two Emerald Damselflies, egg laying.  I've read that the male stays attached, above the female, to stop other males encroaching.

Let's hope I can have some new photos before August 2020 is finished - check back to find out!

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